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Our Services

Our services are designed with our customers in mind. Our goal is to provide you with an efficient, professional and happy customer service experience. 

Education Providers Services

Education providers will find services related to education permits, advertisement approvals, School fees regulations, school services and more.

Parent - School Contract

Read and sign the Parent - School contract through this portal. The purpose of this contract is to ensure that both schools and parents are aware of their duties and responsibilities towards each other and towards their children.

Parent - Early Childhood Centre Contract

Read and sign the Parent - Early Childhood Centres contract through this portal. The purpose of this contract is to ensure that both Early Childhood Centres and parents are aware of their duties and responsibilities towards each other and towards their children.

School Certificate Attestation

This service enables parents and students to apply to attest higher education certificates. Once your request is submitted, it will be sent to your higher education institution for approval before it comes to KHDA for attestation.

Higher Education Certificate Attestation

This service enables parents and students to apply to attest higher education certificates. Once your request is submitted, it will be sent to your higher education institution for approval before it comes to KHDA for attestation.

Academic History Certificate

This service is only applicable for students at Dubai’s private schools. Parents can access the service through DubaiNow mobile app (iOS\Android).

Page last updated 12:15 PM - 11 September 2024