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Learning from each other – Key messages 2016-2017

16 May 2017   |   Category: School Inspection

This report provides an overview of the educational performance and standards of the 159 schools in Dubai that were inspected during the 2016-2017 school inspection cycle. It also highlights the key messages to these schools, drawn from findings of the inspection that were carried out.

  1. More Emirati students are attending good or better schools. For the first time, more than half of Emirati students in Dubai schools attend good or better schools.
  2. Schools are a good place for community cohesion. For the first time, the majority of private schools in Dubai operate a level of provision for students with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), which is good or better.
  3. The UAE National Agenda - achieving the aspirations of the UAE Vision 2021.
  4. Students are making steady progress in the core subjects.
  5. Leadership in Dubai schools continues to improve. In high-performing schools, confident senior leaders promote a clear vision for staff development and establish a strong and collaborative culture of professional learning.

We invite you to review this report, together with individual school inspection reports.