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DUBAI TIMSS and PIRLS 2011 Report

12/12/2012 12 December 2012   |   Category: International Assessments

This report outlines Dubai’s second participation as a benchmarking entity in TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) and its first in a unique associated study of reading. In 2011 Dubai participated in the joint fifth cycle of TIMSS and the third cycle of the Progress of International Reading and Literacy Study (PIRLS). The Emirate’s joint participation in both of these studies heralds a new era of internationally comparable data at multiple grade levels. As it is the second time Dubai has participated in TIMSS, it provides the first opportunity for educational professionals to examine the progress of students and schools over the 4 year period since TIMSS 2007.

The report outlines an analysis of Dubai’s student results at the Grade 4 and the Grade 8 levels. It discusses performance of students from each curricula. It sheds lights on the differences in the achievement of boys and girls. It reviews students’ performance in the content and cognitive domains. The report examines school inspection ratings and their correlation with results of TIMSS and PIRLS 2011.

Participating in international assessments is important for KHDA. Such large scale assessments provide KHDA with invaluable long-term insights into the achievement and progress of students in Dubai. In addition, locally conducted inspection affords an opportunity to measure and shape education by helping schools continue to enhance the education received by our students. This comprehensive evidence has enabled KHDA to identify areas requiring improvement in our schools. For more information, please download the full report.