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FAQs about Executive Council Resolution No. (30) of 2021 Regulating Vocational Education in the Emirate of Dubai

General FAQs

What institutions are impacted by this resolution?

This resolution includes the following categories:
- All institutions that offer vocational education programmes, including schools, training institutes, and universities.
- Business and industry that offer apprenticeship programmes.
- Awarding organisations and international certification organisations: that develop vocational qualifications and issue certificates to learners upon successful completion of qualification requirements. They may also ensure the quality of the qualifications offered through vocational education institutions.
- Quality assurance entities: that provide quality assurance services for the implementation and assessment of vocational qualifications delivered by vocational education institutions, based on the quality assurance standards of the awarding bodies for these qualifications.

What is the scope of  this resolution?

The resolution applies to all those who engage in vocational education activities in the Emirate of Dubai. This includes the design, development, and implementation of vocational qualifications, and the administration of the necessary assessments to award them and ensure their quality. It also includes the implementation of vocational education programmes and qualifications, and apprenticeship programmes, and other activities related to vocational education.

How will this new resolution affect the vocational education policies in Dubai?

Under this resolution, KHDA will develop policies to improve the quality of vocational education in the Emirate, submit these policies to the competent authorities for approval, and adopt the strategic plans necessary to implement these policies. For instance, KHDA will determine the age groups best suited for Dubai’s vocational education and apprenticeship programs.  KHDA will also develop rules and standards to ensure the quality of the vocational qualifications obtained by learners in vocational education. And finally, KHDA will cooperate with educational institutions inside and outside the Emirate, regarding the acceptance of vocational education certificates.
The resolution also supports the collection and analysis of vocational education data in the Emirate. This will assist in setting policies and plans that will stimulate and encourage investment in the vocational education sector and increase demand for vocational education services.

FAQs for learners

What does this resolution mean to me as a learner?

This resolution will provide learners with new vocational education services, such as, attestation of certificates, obtaining equivalency and recognition of vocational certificates attained outside the emirate of Dubai.
Attestation of certificates, equivalency and recognition will help learners to attain better-quality employment or gain a strong foundation for further studies at universities or higher education institutions.
This resolution will also foster a robust vocational education landscape that provides learners with  a variety of options at different  institutions. These options will likely include smart learning and distance learning, in addition to“apprenticeship” programmes in the workplace.

Can I get equivalency for a vocational certificate I obtained outside the Emirate of Dubai?

According to this resolution, KHDA will develop an equivalency system for vocational certificates obtained outside the Emirate.. KHDA will provide updates about the launch of this service.

What are Micro-Credentials and vocational badges mentioned in this resolution?

Micro-credentials are short-term assessed vocational programmes offered by vocational education institutions. They can be combined to form larger qualifications.
The vocational badge is a digital symbol in the form of a drawing , or an image, or any other electronic form that is issued to the learner by the vocational education institution or the awarding body, along with the vocational certificate. A badge can also signify the successful completion of a minor vocational programme that doesn’t require a vocational certificate. KHDA will provide updates about the launch of this service.

FAQs for vocational institutions

What is an apprenticeship programme?

Apprenticeship is a specific vocational programme provided by the employer to an individual , with the intent of developing the individual to practice a trade or profession. The individual commits to work under the management and supervision of the employer, in return for receiving a wage or a reward. The amount paid to the individual is determined before the individual joins this programme. The programme may also be offered in cooperation between the employer and one of the permitted vocational education institutions in Dubai.

How will this resolution affect vocational education institutions in Dubai?

According to this resolution, all educational institutions that offer vocational programmes and qualifications must obtain a vocational education permit to allow them to take part in vocational education activities in the Emirate. KHDA will issue an initial approval to the permit applicant, according to the prevailing rules and criteria, for the different types of permits.  KHDA will also issue and renew permits for the applicants that meet the requirements.
The resolution allow government and private entities to obtain accreditation for their vocational programmes and facilitates their recognition. Additionally vocational education institutions will be able to offer various vocational educational pathways that enable learners to complete their studies and join the labor market or further and higher education. This resolution will also enable vocational education institutions to develop specialized programmes to meet the needs and aspirations of specific economic sectors and meet other relevant strategic objectives of Dubai.

How is this resolution different from the resolution pertaining to regulating training institutes in the Emirate of Dubai?

This resolution does not apply to training programmes that do not carry any credit hours. Training programmes are subject to the provisions of Resolution no. (50) of 2015 concerning regulating training institutes in the Emirate of Dubai.
This resolution applies to credit- bearing vocational programmes that prepare learners to join the labor market or progress towards further or higher education.

How will KHDA organize the process of appointing staff to the vocational education institutions?

KHDA will develop the framework for issuing permits and approval for technical and administrative staff taking part in vocational education activities.

I want to establish a vocational education institution in Dubai. What are the requirements to get started?

To establish a vocational education institution, you must obtain initial approval from KHDA to complete the permit issuance process. Once the permit has been issued, your institution can then conduct its permitted activities.
The conditions for obtaining an initial approval from KHDA are specified in the resolution as follows: 1) the applicant must be legally competent, 2) the applicant must undertake to provide the guarantees determined by KHDA to start the business, 3) to provide KHDA with the required details and documents, and 4) to provide prior approvals from concerned entities whose scope of competence relates to the vocational activity.

Is there a grace period granted for  vocational education entities to comply with this resolution?

The resolution grants entities conducting vocational activities in Dubai a grace period of one year to comply with provisions of the resolution starting from the date of enforcement of the resolution.
For further enquiries and information, please contact us at

Page last updated 21 July 2022