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18 July 2018 | Category: International Assessments
PISA is an international assessment of the science, mathematical and reading literacy of 15-year-old students. It takes place in 3-year cycle. This report is a comprehensive analysis of student skill levels and trends performance in Dubai’s third participation in PISA 2015. Science was main domain in this cycle of PISA. The use of international assessments like PISA is an important tool to compare the performance of students in Dubai with international benchmarks. Students are assessed in the literacy domains of science, mathematics and reading and to measure proficiency levels and a students’ readiness for life within in an international context. Dubai’s role in these assessments is becoming increasingly important as the education sector continues to witness growth year-on-year. PISA and other international assessments, enable KHDA and schools in Dubai to understand where improvements can be made to students’ school-acquired knowledge and future educational development.